What Are Your Options For Spousal Support?
If you have no income or your income is significantly lower than your spouse’s, divorce raises pressing financial concerns. How will you survive? What will you use to pay the bills? This is where spousal support may come into play.
I am attorney Joseph H. Beale, and my extensive family law experience fully equips me to represent husbands and wives who need spousal support. I will guard your interests and protect your rights.
Understand The Complex Issues Involved
Spousal support is designed to minimize the financial impact of a divorce on someone who has been financially dependent on his or her spouse. Spousal support is appropriate if:
- You have given up your career to stay home with the children.
- You have been unable to have a career because of your spouse’s frequent travels.
- You became disabled during your marriage and are unable to work.
- Your spouse’s income is at least 50 percent higher than yours.
Spousal support is designed to give you the financial help you need to maintain your quality of life while you work toward self-sufficiency. For example, you may be able to receive spousal support while you work toward a degree or certification that will allow you to get back into the job market.
In Virginia, court awards spousal support or maintenance based on factors such as:
- Each spouse’s income
- Nonworking spouse’s ability to re-enter workforce
- Standard of living prior to divorce
- Each spouse’s contributions to the family
- Any contribution to other spouse’s career
- Grounds for divorce such as adultery
Court can order spousal support to be paid for a certain period of time, such as the time needed to complete education or training to re-enter the workforce, or for an indefinite time.
Let Me Protect Your Financial Well-Being
Talk with a lawyer who understands your concerns and will work hard to obtain everything you may be due. During your initial consultation, I can help you better understand your position and your ability to receive spousal support. No two situations are exactly the same.
Please call my office at 571-335-3735 to schedule an appointment in Herndon or Aldie. I can also be reached online.